More and more of our clients are contacting us to produce case study videos for them. The great thing about a case study video is that it is deliberately targeted at an audience with an interest in the subject matter. This means that these videos tend to be longer and more in depth than a lot of other videos that we produce at Echo Video. They are similar to video testimonials in that they tend to focus on the customer’s experience of working with a company. However, unlike testimonial videos, case studies tend to concentrate on one specific service and examine why it was implemented, how it was implemented and the results and benefits of the service.
Many of our clients now use videos as a preferable way to get this sort of information across but it might not be for everyone. I’m quickly going to go over some of the pros and cons of producing a case study video.
Advantages of case study videos
From the horse’s mouth
The great thing about video is that it gives viewers a chance to hear straight from the consumer. A lot of the case study videos that we produce here at Echo Video tend to deal with quite complicated services and work practices, therefore to be able to hear directly from the people who are implementing them is a great benefit
Keep them interested
It’s also a far more dynamic way to get a message across. Reading lines of text on a screen doesn’t always convey a message in the most exciting way (this blog a notable exception!). Even a simple talking head video can capture attention in a way few other media types can.
A chance to show off
One of the benefits for our clients is that they get to promote who they’ve been working with. If you’ve got a video detailing exactly how good you are at what you do and it comes from a world renown client then that’s going to do your sales a world of good. Plus the great thing about video is that you can put it everywhere – on social media, on your website, on YouTube so the world can see just how good you are.
More than one use
One thing that I always remind our clients of is that just because you opt to have a video produced doesn’t mean you don’t get to do other things. It’s incredibly quick, cheap and easy to get a video transcribed so you can use it as a written case study on your website or pull out parts for a press release. Alternatively we could use the audio to put together a podcast for you. You could even take out clips of the footage to combine with other videos and make a highlights video or produce a promotional video, the possibilities are endless.
Not for everyone?
I should make you aware that a case study video may not be suitable for you at this time. For many clients it simply is a lot easier to produce a written case study. They will be cheaper, possibly quicker and for many it will just be a lot easier. Most videos no matter what type we’re producing do take a while to organise and if you are hoping to film at a client’s office or use their staff then they have to be happy and willing for you to disrupt their work day.
However, assuming you can get it organised, case study videos can be an invaluable tool as many of our clients are discovering. If you would like to find out more please contact Echo Video on 01273 911345.