Case Studies

Case study video production – BCS

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT works with a large number of industries and organisations to improve IT literacy and delivers platforms and qualifications for users. As well as being involved with large corporations and the education sector they also work with different charitable organisations where they operate along side in-house staff to offer qualifications and improve digital skills. Echo Video were asked to produce a range of video case studies for BCS detailing the services they offer and their involvement with the different sectors. Each video highlights how important digital skills are in today’s world and how BCS have helped people from all walks of life.

Case study videos

Case study videos are a great tool for explaining in detail how a product or service can help a specific user. The two case studies below highlight how different institutions have used digital skills as part of a program to help adults and children alike learn valuable life skills. Video case studies really come into their own when they contain multiple personal stories of triumph that all come to together at the end resulting in the same goal, this shows to the viewer that the product or service really does do what it aims to do.

Type of video: School video case study
Brief: To create a video that told the story of how important it is to have digital skills in this day and age using staff and pupils from Wyvern College in Salisbury.
Services: Project Development | Transcription| Filming | Video editing | Royalty free music
Approximate Project Time: 4 weeks
Price Band: £2,000+Type of video: Charity video Case Study
Brief: Production of a video that shows how learning new, digital skills can help young, homeless people enter the world of work or further education.
Services: Project Development | Transcription| Filming | Video editing | Royalty free music
Approximate Project Time: 4 weeks
Price Band: £2,000+

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