Case Studies

The benefits of a case study video

Over the last couple of years weve seen a definite rise in the number of our clients who have asked us to produced case study videos. Case studies are a great tool for companies who want to highlight specific areas of expertise whether its in their dealings with other businesses or consumers. They tend to delve quite deeply into all manner of subjects such as dealing with problems as they arise or using different techniques and systems. Whatever the case study is cussed on they can become quite long and complex which is why many of our clients are looking at videos as an alternative to written case studies. Unlike some of the other video services that we offer such as testimonial videos or promotional videos, case study videos tend to be targeted at industry insiders who have an understanding and interest in the subject. This means that case study videos tend to be longer and more involved, dealing with technical details.

Dynamic and engaging video content

One of the main benefits of having a case study video produced is that they are simply more dynamic and engaging than paragraphs of text. They give the opportunity to show things rather than just talk about them with footage of a process explaining in seconds what could take hundreds of words to describe.

Talking heads

They also give the viewer a chance to hear directly from the people involved with the case whether its the client, end product consumer, partner or staff member. By interviewing the different people involved the video can show how the case was dealt with from different people’s perspective. it also gives those involved a chance to comment on where there was success and where something can be improved for next time.

Video, audio, text

One of the key benefits that our clients sometime don’t realise is that by having a video produced you also have the chance to create an awful lot more content. At Echo Video we are always happy to arrange for interviews to be transcribed which allows our clients to produce written content for websites, social media and even press releases. You could also consider releasing an audio only version of the case study which could be downloaded as a podcast from your site.

Case Study video production

No matter what the product or service a case study video is the ideal way to show to your clients that you’re an industry leader and have the experience to deal with any situation. If you’re interested in finding out more about a case study video for your company or any of our other services then please get in touch with Echo Video on 01273 911345.

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