
PR Video Content Production

All publicity is good publicity they say, but just think how good your publicity would be with some high quality PR video content to back it up. Whether it’s for social media, online news organisations or broadcast TV, we’ve supported publicity campaigns for a whole range of companies that have helped their brand grow.

For social, news and broadcast TV

Whether it’s a publicity stunt, a live event, a carefully choreographed piece of video content or simply a news worthy moment for your company, Echo Video can provide the cameras, crew and expertise to produce some great PR video content and get your brand some global exposure.



On Christmas day 2017 Lieutenant Scott Sears broke the world record as the youngest person ever to have reached the south pole solo, unsupported and unassisted. His key sponsor was Shackleton who provided clothing and equipment for his trip. Echo Video were brought in to film interviews and B-roll of Scott that was used in TV and social media spots that worked as great publicity for Shackleton.


Echo Video have worked with 1st Central for a number of years producing a range of different videos including a couple of PR campaigns. The most recent was in the summer of 2017 and featured etiquette expert William Hansen outlining a number of do’s and don’ts when car sharing. The humorous video was really successful and was picked up by a number of online news media sites including The Telegraph.


The royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attracted a huge amount of media interest from both national and international media. This presented a great opportunity for heritage British brands to benefit from this publicity. Coburn Communications arranged for men’s fashion writer Aleks Cvetkovic to appear on the BBC as well as US network news talking about what to wear at a wedding and got Echo Video to film the footage that accompanied his spot.


With 2018 marking 100 years since the end of World War 1, the Western Front Association were using their position to help inform and educate the public about different battles and events that took place during the war. For one such battle, the Battle of St Quentin canal, they asked Echo Video to attend the unveiling of a newly restored memorial to shoot footage for use on news channels and to produce a video for their social media.


With the explosion of social media, there are now more ways than ever to shout about your company. More channels means greater exposure and greater audience reach. We can be your video production partner to create exciting, engaging video content that could get organically shared and get your company and brand into the homes of thousands and thousands of people. Video content is an ideal way to back up traditional PR campaigns by providing short, snappy videos for audiences to discover and share with their networks. What better way to get even greater coverage of your PR stunt than by streaming it live to Facebook or YouTube? We can can put together great value packages to help you promote your latest campaign.

If your more interested in getting your news picked up by newspapers and broadcast TV then we’ve got you covered there as well. Working with our PR partner Coburn Communications, we’ve produced loads of video content that has been used on news channels around the world. These have included outlets such as Reuters, Associated Press, BBC Worldwide and their flagship programme BBC Breakfast. Our successes have ensured an incredible amount of coverage for brands big and small, so contact us today to see how we can help support your next PR campaign.

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